We have two standards for DLP Digital cinema Format(.xml)
-DLP Cinema Ver1.1 (Texas Instruments/Interop)
-SMPTE DCP (compliant with ST428-7-2014)
The xml export for DCP includes an “xml” only output and an “xml + PNG” output function. You can choose which you want to use when exporting.
You need to use fonts that are approved for use in DCP.
(Depending on the font, the conditions of use may differ between xml only and xml+png. Please contact the font vendor for details.)
-Line Alignment can be set on Center, Line Head or Line End.
-Vertical and ruby are available.
-Fine-tuning is required by rewriting the xml file as a whole.
[Examples of items that require fine-tuning]
-Adjustment of kerning and redding
-Rewriting of positional information when you want to position the text in the Center Head
-Rewriting of positional information for characters that need to be freely positioned -Changing the color of text
-Change the edge type (any setting will result in “shadow”)
->There are three types of edge: “shadow”, “none”, and “border”.
-The size and color of ruby characters
[Notes on outputting as XML file only]
Font size is fixed to one size per xml file.
Font type is fixed to one type per xml file.
Do not make new lines to raise the position of text.
If you change the position of the subtitle manually on SSTG1 by Free Position, the changed subtitle won’t be exported.
[Notes on outputting PNG + xml files]
Depending on the projector in the movie theater, there may be a slight delay in overall timing.
The specification of this export option is highly professional and is basically for users who can adjust and use xml files without our support. We are not accepting any requests to customize its current module of this export option.